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WHMIS 2015 for Workers

Each COSG online program is designed for maximum knowledge transfer using the highest adult learning principles. Our ISO 45001 Safety Management System Specialist developed each program to comply with OH&S statutes, regulations, and best safety practices. 


Professional narration, in addition to video and animation presentations for practical demonstrations and examples, makes COSG online learning easier to follow and understand.

Module Based means no pressure; you work at your own pace.

Knowledge verification test after each module with unlimited re-tries.

Certificates and reports on completion.


Forklift Operator Certification








COSG online learning Lift Truck Certification is the most comprehensive online lift truck certification available. The program is professionally narrated using quality video and animation to achieve the learning objectives.


There are ten modules covering all the requirements of the CSA B335-15 for the safe operation of lift trucks.

The ten-module program cover:

  1. Lift Truck Classes and Types

  2. Regulations, Standards and Rules

  3. Lift Truck Components and Safety Equipment

  4. Lift Truck Preoperational Procedures

  5. Lift Truck Stability

  6. Lift Truck Accident and Injury Prevention

  7. Loading Dock Safety

  8. Personnel Lifting and Lowering

  9. Lift Truck Battery Safety

  10. Safe Propane Handling, Cylinder Exchange & Refueling


(read the learning outcomes for each module)


Full certification requires a practical operating skills evaluation. COSG schedules the evaluations at the participant's workplace or a training centre.




WHMIS 2015 For Workers









The training program complies with the federal Hazardous Products Act, associated controlled products regulations, and provincial laws and regulations for training workers to use and handle hazardous biological or chemical agents safely.

WHMIS 2015 incorporates the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labelling for workplace hazardous materials. Under GHS, Canada and many of its trading partners use a harmonized hazard classification and communication system.


This program includes seven modules, which are as follows:

1.            History and Legislation

2.            Occupational Health

3.            The Information Delivery System

4.            WHMIS Classifications

5.            Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards

6.            Respiratory Protection and

7.            Spill Control


On completion, participants will receive a certificate and training report.




WHMIS 2015 for Supervisors and Managers








COSG training is a complete guide for managing workplace hazardous materials, complying with legislation respecting the duty of supervisors to provide workers with instruction and information about workplace hazards.


The training program complies with the federal Hazardous Products Act, associated controlled products regulations, and provincial laws and regulations for safely training the use and handling of hazardous biological or chemical agents.


WHMIS 2015 incorporates the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labelling for workplace hazardous materials. Under GHS, Canada and many of its trading partners use a harmonized hazard classification and communication system.


This program includes eight modules, which are as follows:

  1. History and Legislation

  2. Occupational Health

  3. WHMIS Classifications

  4. Information Delivery System

  5. Recognition, Evaluation and Control of Hazards

  6. Respiratory Protection

  7. Spill Control and

  8. Emergency Planning


Participants will receive a certificate and training report.


The COSG WHMIS 2015 training for supervisors training tools is available for download after training.


  • WHMIS Training Guide for Supervisors

  • WHMIS Training Planner

  • WHMIS Training Session Guide

  • WHMIS Training Sign-In

  • WHMIS Training Session Check-In



Basic Health and Safety Awareness








COSG’s Basic Health and Safety Awareness training complies with OHSA regulation 297 and is required by all Ontario workers. The training explains the legal rights of Ontarians in the workplace and the roles of all workplace parties, government departments and agencies in managing occupational health and safety.


In a four-step breakdown, the BHSA program covers the requirements of OSHA regulation 297, including:

  1. Regulation 297 and the requirement

  2. The Duties and Rights of Workers

  3. The Duties of Employers and Supervisors

  4. The Role of the JHSC (Joint Health & Safety Committee)

  5. The Role of the WSIB (Workplace Safety Insurance Board)

  6. The Role of the Ministry of Labour Immigration, Training and Skills Development

  7. Common Workplace Hazards

  8. Controlled Product Awareness

  9. Occupational Illness

Participants will receive a complete training report and digital certificate.




Accessibility for Ontarians Disabilities Act (AODA)
& Integrated Accessibility Standards








The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Integrated Accessibility Standard are laws that establish procedures for developing, implementing and enforcing accessibility standards for persons with disabilities in Ontario. Government, businesses, non-profits and public sector organizations must comply to reduce and remove barriers and make Ontario more inclusive.

The Act and the Standards require large and small organizations to train workers appropriately for the duties of the employees, volunteers, and other persons.

The laws specify training to include:
•    The Requirements of the Act Accessibility Standards
•    The Ontario Human Rights Code
•    The Customer Service Standard


The Requirements of the Act Accessibility Standards

The training is for management members who develop policies and direct or enforce accessibility standards.


This training program was developed to assist Ontario for-profit and non-profit organizations in navigating their responsibilities for compliance under the Accessibility for Ontarians with

Disabilities Act and The Integrated Accessibility Standard.


Training Modules

  1. Scope and Definitions

  2. Information and Communication

  3. Employment

  4. Built Environment

  5. Customer Service

  6. Accessibility Reporting and Penalties


Ontario n Human Rights Code

Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Integrated Accessibility Standard, this training module is required for employees or volunteers with Ontario-obligated organizations who participate in developing the organization's policies and provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the organization or engage in hiring or appointing people for the organization.


Learning Outcomes

  • What is the Ontario Human Rights Code, and why is it important to all Ontario residents?

  • The parts of the Code that address the rights of Ontario residents with disabilities,

  • The Ontario Human Rights Code's definitions of disability and the resources established to protect from discrimination and

  • How the Ontario Human Rights Code, The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Integrated Accessibility Standard work together to protect Ontario residents with disabilities.


Customer Service Standard

 This training program has been developed for Ontario workers who provide customer service for their employer, including presenting and explaining goods and services, delivering goods and services, and receiving customers and visitors.


Training Modules

  1. Common Disabilities, Recognition and Customer Servic

       - Vision

       - Hearing

       - Physical

       - Speech

       - Mental Health       

       - Learning

  2. The Company Commitment

  3. Customer Service Best Practices


Upon completion, participants receive a full training report and digital certificate.



Fall Protection










The COSG Fall Protection training is for industrial workers who work at elevated heights. Compliant with OHSA regulation 851, the training details

  • Legislation

  • Ladder Safety

  • Scaffold Safety

  • Aerial Lift Platforms

  • Protective Covers and Guardrails

  • Anchors

  • Fall Protection Equipment

  • Fall Protection Systems

  • Fall Arrest Systems

  • Fall Arrest Precautions

  • Rescue and Recover

Upon completion, participants receive a full training report and digital certificate.

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WHMIS 2015 for Supervsiors
Anchor 2
Fall Protection
Lift Truck Certification
Anchor 3

Online Learning Course Details

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